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게시판 게시물
2024년 9월 19일
In 게시판에 오신 것을 환영합니다
Reynolds was able to talk to MMOexp in Discord messages concerning the exploit he was using in the "Hardscoping Tutorial" issue, and during our chat he called it"pavel. "pavel." According to on the subsequent details, it became clear that he had been trying to fool MMOexp into publishing misinformation about how this method works, which at the time claimed allowed him to inject invalid items into other people's inventories. The items would then be flagged for death, he said at the time, while the game was able to identify those who were cheating as the culprits with an apparent softban, but there's no evidence to suggest this claim is true. The idea that these things are plausible have been heard throughout the community over the years however, even though MMOexp cannot confirm the validity of these claims, we believe that cheating will continue to be a problem in the series.
The result is a headache being invaded by Reynolds. There's no way to stop him when he pops up. His spells are broken and too strong, so you just...take it. Reactions to Reynolds his behavior in Elden Ring haven't come to light in the moment, but it could only be a matter of time since Reynolds' name appears frequently within Elden Ring's Dark Souls and Elden Ring subreddits.
What should you do? According to a popular Reddit post that was posted in April, 2016, the best way to proceed is to either disconnect or commit suicide. Surprisingly, Reynolds declares that he does not want to be found hacking Elden Ring. Reynolds stated that Bandai Namco and FromSoftware should take this as a learning opportunity to create better anti-cheat software which prevents hackers from exploiting the game's code.
"I'm an essential for evil," Reynolds said. "You might be asking if getting caught is part of the plan. And yes, it is. If I do it, do you think the game will end? I doubt it, but perhaps Bandai can fix the issue. Time to go mobile."
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2024년 9월 19일
In 게시판에 오신 것을 환영합니다
The heist process involves infiltrating a facility, avoiding or defeating guards, and extracting the target item. The guide outlines the stages of a heist, from entering the facility to triggering the alarm and making a successful escape. It emphasizes the importance of stealth and timing, explaining how to manage alert levels and avoid triggering the alarm prematurely. The guide also covers the use of Heist-specific mechanics, such as trap avoidance and puzzle solving, to navigate through secure areas.
Grand Heists are larger-scale operations that offer unique rewards, including replica unique items and alternate-quality gems. The guide explains how to use Blueprints to plan and execute grand heists, including revealing rooms and hiring rogues with the appropriate skills. It discusses the different wings of a grand heist, each offering different types of rewards, and provides strategies for prioritizing which wings to complete based on the player's goals.
Rewards from heists and grand heists can be substantial, including valuable currency, unique items, and Heist-specific rewards. The guide details how to identify and prioritize high-value targets during a heist, manage inventory space efficiently, and make quick decisions on which items to loot during the escape phase. It also covers the post-heist process, including fencing stolen goods through the Fence in the rogue Harbor and managing rogue markers, the currency used in Heist content.
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2024년 9월 19일
In 게시판에 오신 것을 환영합니다
Conspiracy theories about Skull and Bones are numerous and varied. Some suggest that the society is part of a global network of secret organizations that manipulate world events. Others believe it has direct control over major financial institutions and government bodies. These theories often lack concrete evidence, but the secretive nature of Skull and Bones makes them difficult to completely dispel. The society's influence on the careers of its members lends some credibility to the idea that it wields significant power behind the scenes.
Despite the secrecy and speculation, Skull and Bones is also a product of its time and place. Yale University, like many elite institutions, has a long history of exclusive societies that foster close-knit communities and networks. These societies, including Skull and Bones, reflect the broader social and cultural dynamics of their eras. They provide a space for intellectual exchange and social bonding, albeit within a framework that privileges certain groups over others.
The society's reputation for exclusivity and elitism has attracted criticism, particularly in recent years. As society becomes more transparent and accountable, the secretive practices of Skull and Bones appear increasingly anachronistic. Some argue that the society should open its doors and demystify its operations, while others believe that its very essence depends on maintaining its clandestine traditions. This tension between tradition and transparency is a defining feature of the contemporary debate about Skull and Bones.
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